Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mother's day

So Mother's day actually inspired me to dig out my silhouette that has been collecting dust for the last several months and do a project!
Gathered some ideas from pintrest and this is what I came up with:

(vinyl on wood)

(I still remember coming downstairs to grandma JuJu feeding Alayna oreos for breakfast when she was like 2 years old. "teaching her to dunk". So funny)

This other gift is hard to see but I cut out vinyl and attached to a glass jar:

"Grandma's nuts" 

I knew my mother-in-law would get a kick out of it! And she loves nuts so it totally worked.
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Monday, February 4, 2013

House: Before and After

So I've been out of blogging commission lately - largely due to some significant life changes that have occurred - namely selling our house, changing jobs, moving (multiple) states, etc

But I was going through old pictures and had to post these before and afters of our house.  We were in our house for 5 years and it was a labor of love.  We got it looking really great (and then moved).

Hoping we can get our next house how we want it and actually live in it for a while.

*Disclaimer: all the "before" pictures included the previous owner's belongings.

Front of house: BEFORE

Front of house: AFTER

Living room: BEFORE

Living room: After (new builtins, recessed lighting, etc)

Dining room: BEFORE

Dining room: AFTER

Guest room: BEFORE

Guest room: AFTER

Girls bedroom: BEFORE

Girls bedroom: AFTER

Boy's bedroom: BEFORE

Boy's bedroom: AFTER

Master bedroom: BEFORE

Master bedroom: AFTER

Master bath: BEFORE

Master bath: AFTER (this was probably our biggest project)

Basement: BEFORE

Basement: AFTER

Path to backyard: BEFORE

Path to backyard: AFTER

Backyard: BEFORE

Backyard: AFTER