Sunday, January 2, 2011

Twas the season

to make KRING-LAH (Kringle)

Christmas is just not Christmas until I make Kringle. A Norwegian dessert that has been modified by my Norwegian grandmother (replacing raisins for chocolate chips, etc), this has become one of my holiday staples. It looks so beautiful and festive - shaped like a Christmas wreath with red-hots as holly berries. In reality it's like a thick chocolate chip cookie with frosting and red-hots.

This year I made about 50 (yes five zero) for the choir in my church congregation. I am the choir director and was in charge of the Christmas program this year and I made this treat for all the participants. The Christmas program had almost entirely music and turned out spectacular (a tad bit longer than anticipated, but really awesome.) I don't like to do things half way. And Yes it was crazy. Especially since we were flying out of town the day of the Christmas program. But I enjoyed doing it.








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